You are a member of Indonesia mirror committee to TC 292. Can you briefly introduce your NSB and mirror committee, please?
HoD: National Standardization Agency (BSN) was established by Presidential Decree No. 13 of 1997 enhanced by the Presidential Decree 166 of 2000 concerning Position, Duties, Functions, Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of Non Departmental Government Institutions as amended several times and the latest by Presidential Decree No. 103 of 2001, is a Non Departmental Government Institutions with the main task to develop and foster standardization activities in Indonesia.
BSN has the task of carrying out government duties in the field of national standardization in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.
BSN has the functions:
assessment and formulation of national policies in the field of national standardization;
coordination of functional activities in performing the tasks of BSN;
launch and guidance to government agencies in the field of national standardization;
implementation of cooperation activities both domestically and internationally in the field of standardization;
organizing coaching and general administrative services in the field of general planning, administration, organization and governance, personnel, finance, filing, coding, equipment, and household.
In the field of disaster management, we have a technical committee 13-08 Disaster Management to develop National Standard (SNI) in the field of disaster management. This Technical Committee also has duty and responsible as a NMC (National Mirror Committee ISO/TC 292) to response and comment on the draft of ISO standards being developed by ISO/TC 292. Members of this Technical Committee /NMC are experts from government, humanitarian organization, academia, and non-governmental organizations. Who are the key stakeholders of Security and resilience in Indonesia?
HoD: The stakeholders are: BNPB (National Agency for Disaster Management), NGO, Government, academia
BNPB has duty on:
Providing guidance on disaster management efforts that include disaster prevention, emergency response, rehabilitation and reconstruction in a fair and equitable way;
Establishing standardization and the need for disaster management in accordance with laws and regulations;
Delivering information on disaster management activities to the community;
Reporting the disaster management to the President once every month under normal conditions and at all times in a state of emergency;
Applying and hold responsible for national / international donations / assistance;
Being Responsible for the use of the budget received from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget;
Carrying out other obligations in accordance with the laws and regulations; and
Developing guidelines for the establishment of the Regional Disaster Management Agency.
BNPB has function to
formulate and establish disaster management policies and the handling of refugees by acting promptly and appropriately and effectively and efficiently;
and Coordinating the implementation of disaster management activities in a planned, integrated, and comprehensive. ISO/TC 292 covers a broad spectrum of standards. In what areas are Indonesia main interests in the committee?
HoD: Our technical committees are interested in emergency management and community resilience How do you work currently in these areas (e.g. are there any laws, regulations, national standards or other rules?) and how can ISO standards help?
HoD: We have Law No.24 of 2007 on Disaster Management. ISO standards help us when we develop our National Standards (SNI). Some of our SNI that we develop adopted ISO standards and or use the as a reference. So far have you adopted any standards developed by ISO/TC 292 as a national standard in Indonesia?
HoD: We have adopted the following ISO standards from Tc 292:
SNI ISO 22320:2011 Societal security – Emergency management – Requirements for incident response
SNI ISO PAS 22399:2012 Societal security - Guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity management
SNI ISO 22300:2012 Societal security – Terminology
SNI ISO 22301:;2014 , Societal security – Business continuity management systems — Requirements
SNI ISO 22315:2015 Societal security — Mass evacuation — Guidelines for planning ISO/TC 292 is now working on Emergency Management Standards. What is your interest in this project and how would you like to see it develop?
HoD: ISO/TC 292/WG 3, Emergency management. Now we are working on project ISO/DIS 22327 Security and resilience – Emergency management – Guidelines for implementation of a community based landslide early warning system.
This work was formulated with the objective to standardize the implementation of landslide early warning system in disaster-prone areas. This standard has been the guideline in carrying out risk assessment, detection, prediction, interpretation, and response in facing landslide by involving community. How does your mirror committee involve itself in standard development at present and how do you see this developing in the future?
HoD: All members of the National Standards Technical Committee are members of the NMC. The national standards developed by the 13-08 Technical Committee are
SNI ISO 22320: 2011, Societal security – Emergency management – Requirements for incident response
SNI ISO PAS 22399:2012, Societal security - Guideline for incident preparedness and operational continuity management
SNI ISO 22300:2012, Societal security – Terminology
SNI ISO 22301:2014, Societal security – Business continuity management systems — Requirements
SNI ISO 22315:2015, Societal security — Mass evacuation — Guidelines for planning
SNI 7743:2011, Tsunami evacuation signs
SNI 7766:2012, Tsunami evacuation route
SNI 7937: 2013, Humanitarian service in disaster
SNI 8289:2016, Route and signs of evacuation eruption of volcano
SNI 8291:2016, Preparation and determination of land movement vulnerability zones
SNI 8357:2017, Villages and villages resilient disaster
SNI 8235:2017, Community- based landslide early warning system
SNI 8288:2017, Management of disaster management training
SNI 8358:2017, Management of tsunami preparedness training
SNI 8182:2017, Guidelines for National and province disaster risk assessment
SNI 8040:2017, Tsunami early warning siren
Currently TC 292 WG 3 is developing the ISO 22327, which is based on the national standard SNI 8235: 2017. What advice can you give to interested parties in Indonesia who want to offer their input to the work of ISO/TC 292 and your mirror committee and who should they address?
HoD: In response to the work of ISO/TC 292, we communicate through our Technical Committee/NMC, so the interested parties inputs and concerned are discussed among technical committee/NMC members in order to address the national interest in ISO/TC 292 works. Do you have any possible ideas for projects or areas TC 292 should look into?
HoD: Indonesia proposed new ideas for a generic standard on early warning systems for natural hazards. Start a series of standards for specific hazards e.g. flooding, volcanic eruptions, and tsunami.
Interview made by Stefan Tangen, Convenor of the ISO/TC 292 Communication Group