ISO publishes a revised ISO 22320 that gives guidelines on incident management
ISO 22320 was the first standard published by ISO/TC 223 Societal security in 2011. ISO/TC 292 has worked on a revision which is replacing the 2011 version. The revision has led to a somewhat differently designed standard which contain guidelines instead of requirements due to the topic is very much linked to national legislation.
ISO 22320 Security and resilience – Emergency management – Guidelines for incident management will contribute to an overall emergency management framework which seeks to reduce the risk to people, operations, property, and the environment Disasters and other major incidents require coordinated incident management in order to save lives, reduce harm and damage, and to ensure an appropriate level of continuity of essential societal functions.
Such functions include health, telecommunication, water and food supply, and access to electricity and fuel. While in the past the focus of incident management has been national, regional or within single organizations, today and for the future there is a need for a multinational and multi-organizational approach. This need is driven by relationships and interdependencies between governments, non-governmental organizations (NGO), civil society organizations (CSO), and the private sector internationally.
Key features of ISO 22320
This standard assists organizations in preparing for, and responding to incidents at the local, regional, national, and possibly international level, including those who:
- are responsible for, and participating in, incident preparation
- offer guidance and direction in incident management,
- are responsible for communication and interaction with the public.
- do research in the field of incident management.
ISO 22320:2018, Security and resilience – Emergency management – Guidelines for incident management", is available from ISO national member institutes. It may also be obtained directly from the ISO Central Secretariat, respectively through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing, Communication & Information department.