Working Group 4 meeting in Seoul
Working Group 4 is responsible for drafting standards on authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents. The group met in Seoul, Republic of Korea on 9th-13th of May 2016 to continue the work on the development of the roadmap and drafting of the standards in production.
The meeting was hosted by Kyonggi University and supported by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), the Member Body of ISO.
Main issues of the agenda had been to enhance
- ISO 34001 Security and resilience - Security management system – Fraud countermeasures and controls: All comments on the document where resolved and it will soon be circulated for a 4th DIS ballot.
- ISO 19564 Security and resilience - Product fraud countermeasures and control - General principles: The working draft was discussed and will be revised by the project leader. The Working Group aims to proceed to CD status at the next meeting in Edinburgh.
- ISO 19998 Security and resilience - Requirements for the content, security and issuance of excise tax stamps: The working draft was discussed and updated. As a lot of technical work is still to be done and due date for DIS ballot approaches, a request for limit date extension was initiated.
- ISO 20229 Security and resilience - Guideline for establishing interoperability among object identification systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade: The working draft was discussed and will be revised by the project leader. The Working Group aims to proceed to CD status at the next meeting in Edinburgh.
Wolfgang Klasen, the convenor of WG 4 was very happy with the outcome of the stated that:
"All order of business items had been covered during that very constructive week."
He also expressed his special thanks to Dr. Hyeonho Park and Dr. Tai-Woo Chang for coordinating the effective meeting and for being our highly respected hosts.
Working Group 4 will participate and reconvene in conjunction with the ISO/TC 292 plenary meeting which will be held in Edinburgh, UK from 5th -9th of September 2016.