ISO 22336 Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Resilience policy formulation and strategy implementation
This project will result in an International Standard that provides guidelines guidance for top management on formulating policy, developing strategy and determining priorities for implementation of the organization’s resilience initiatives.
The focus of this document is how organizations can build a strategic capability to anticipate and respond to change and better manage disruptive events.
A key factor in successful formulation of an organizational resilience policy and strategy is ensuring that its development is led by those who support the principles and encourage attributes of organizational resilience and who have the necessary competencies to lead such an effort.
This International Standard embraces organizational management theory, human factors of behaviours and cultural influences, systems-based approaches for problem solving and decision making, commitment to goal setting and the achievement of personal and organizational vision and objectives to enhance of organizational resilience.
Pete Gervasoni (SA), the project leader responsible for developing ISO 22336, explains:
"This standard was proposed to complement ISO 22316 – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes. With ISO 22316 contributing to a greater understanding of resilience principles and attributes in the context of societal security, a need has been created for guidance on how to formulate policy and develop strategy to enhance organizational resilience and to assist organizations in implementation of the organization’s resilience goals and objectives.
Resilience policy creates a strategic capability for organizations and demonstrates their commitment to moving towards an enhanced state of resilience. This International Standard will support those organizations with clear and practical guidance on how to design and formulate policy, identify and prioritize their resilience objectives, prepare an implementation plan to deliver those objectives and establish a cooperative and coordinated capability to enhance their resilience.”