ISO 22341 Security and resilience - Protective security - Guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design
This International Standard addresses the principles, elements, strategies and process for reducing crime, including certain types of terrorist attacks, and fear of crime at new or existing urban built environment such as residential areas, commercial areas, industrial sites, educational institutions, community parks, and public spaces through building, facility and area planning, design and management. The standard includes the process of crime risk assessment and the application of certified security hardware products.
Hyeonho Park (Korea), the project leader responsible for the development of ISO 22341, explains:
"Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) or Designing Out Crime (DOC) are increasingly popular concepts. The growing evidence obtained from formal and rigorous evaluations in the fields of criminology, environmental psychology, and crime science has provided CPTED with a solid theoretical foundation. Despite concerns that CPTED may be oversimplified, or that it may conflict with other factors (value) or environmental determinism, there is no doubt it is increasingly accepted as an effective means for crime prevention and security.
There is a need for an international standard providing guidance explaining the principles, concepts and terminology for CPTED. CPTED is sometimes mistaken as merely an end product, such as CCTV cameras or improved lighting - rather than a process for continual improvement."
ISO 22341:2021, Security and resilience — Protective security — , is available from ISO national member institutes. It may also be obtained directly from the ISO Central Secretariat, respectively through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing, Communication & Information department.