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ISO 22322:2022 Security and resilience - Emergency management - Guidelines for public warning

This International Standard provides guidelines for developing, managing, and implementing public warning before, during, and after incidents. ISO 22322 will help any organization responsible for public warning. It is a generic standard and applicable at all levels, from local up to international. ISO 22322 was first published in 2015 which was replaced by a 2nd edition in 2022 which only inlcuded editorial changes.

Disasters, terrorist attacks, and other major incidents need an effective incident response in order to save lives, mitigate harm, and damage. Emergency response organizations need to respond quickly to a developing emergency situation. 

HaruoHaruo Hayashi (Japan), the project leader responsible for writing ISO 22322, explains:

 “Time to communicate is limited and often a specific message involving practical action is to be disseminated to a large group. Simple procedures that send the message efficiently and create the desired response can save lives, protect health, and prevent major disruptions. Effective incident response needs a structured and pre-planned public warning. In ISO 22322, public warning is based on two functions: hazard monitoring and warning dissemination. It is also necessary to establish a mechanism for risk identification, hazard monitoring, decision-making, warning dissemination, and to evaluate and improve.” 

ISO 22322:2022 Security and resilience — Emergency management — Guidelines for public warning, is available from ISO national member institutes. It may also be obtained directly from the ISO Central Secretariat, respectively through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing, Communication & Information department.
