In 2013, ISO initiated discussions on how to better coordinate standards development in the area of security
In 2014, ISO decided to merge ISO/TC 223, ISO/TC 247 and ISO/PC 284 to form ISO/TC 292. SIS was selected as secretariat and Mrs Åsa Kyrk Gere was appointed as Chair.
In 2015, ISO/TC 292 held its first plenary meeting March 9-13 in Morioka, Japan. On May 15 it published its first standard: "ISO 22322 Societal security - Emergency management - Guidelines for public warning". In June, the title "Security and resilience" and a scope were adopted. Six working groups were set up to conduct the work. ISO 22324, ISO/TS 22317, ISO TS/22318, ISO/TR 22351 and ISO 18788 were published. The 1 st year of the committee was concluded by a 2nd plenary meeting held on Bali in Indonesia.
In 2016, a Strategic Business Plan for the committee was developed and approved by ISOs Technical Management Board. Various of roads maps for the committee work were agreed and several new work items were added to the work programme. ISO 22325 on Capability assessment on emergency management was published. UK hosted the 3rd plenary meeting of the committee in Edinburgh.
In 2017, the 4th plenary meeting was held in Jeju, Korea. The committe published ISO 22316 on Organisational resilience and ISO 22319 on Spontanious volunteers.
In 2018, the 5th plenary meeting was held in Sydney, Australia and the 6th in Stavanger.
In 2019, the 7th plenary meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand.
In 2020, the plenary meeting was planned to be organizad in Berlin but was postponed because of Covid-19.
In 2021, the 8th plenary meeting was held virtualy.
In 2022, the 9th plenary meeting was held virtualy.